PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Andrzej Kaźmierczak



- Conducting scientific research.

- Writing scientific and popular science publications.

- Teaching (lectures and auditing exercises) to full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students, as well as foreign students and doctoral students.

- Supervising students in professional practice.

- Organizing and supervising the election of Electors for the Election of the Rector of the University of Łódź, representatives to the Senate and Library Council and representatives to the Council of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Łódź.

- Organizing and teaching classes for the students of the Polish Language Study for Foreigners at the University of Łódź in botany and cell biology.

- Supervision of scientific activities of students within the Scientific Circle of Biologists, Section of Cell Biology "Homunculus".


Specialist in physiology, biochemistry and cytology. The main research streams remaining in the sphere of my interests are cell death, cell cycle and endoreplication, morphogenesis processes, including sex determination and the participation of plant hormones in these processes.


-Learning and implementing computer programs for creating images, graphs and charts, and cytospectrofluorometric analysis. Editing films shot with Canon cameras and camcorders.

- Science, nature and travel photography.

- Traveling at home and abroad. Visiting castles and museums, primarily with collections of paintings. Some of the most interesting ones I've seen are the Bishop's Palace Museum in Krakow and Kielce, the Castle in Niepołomice and the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island in Berlin, the Hermitage and Tsarskoye Selo in St. Petersburg with its newly built Amber Room, and the Palm House in Paris.

- Mountain hiking in the Tatras (Polish and Slovak), Sudetes, Beskids, Pieniny and Bieszczady Mountains.

- Yachting.

- Painting and art.

1. mainly from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. I value the Polish Munich School the most, among its representatives I want to draw attention to Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski, who came from Suwałki, where there is a permanent exhibition of this artist in the city's museum. My second favourite painter of the aforementioned school, is Jozef Chelmonski, author of "Kosynier", located in private collections, and "Czórka", located in the National Museum in the Cloth Hall in Cracow, together with the painting "Szały" by Wladyslaw Podkowiński. These works, along with others not mentioned, I have had the pleasure of seeing many times.

2. I also value contemporary painters, such as Piotr Turek, a resident of Łódź whom I know personally, who translates themes from the visionary Stanislaw Lem's novels with the common title "Lemojzaże" onto canvas. Among other contemporary painters whose work I appreciate are Ryszard Kasperowicz, or Andrzej Siemiński, a painter from Kazimierz Dolny n/Wisla, with a permanent exhibition of his paintings in the Nadwislańskie Museum of that city and a frequent visitor to Łódź.

3. I participate in a group of people, fans of Łódź, called "Course to Łódź."

4. I am a member of the elite Club of the Museum of Art in Łódź.


- Preparations of completely new microscopic-analytical methods for fluorescence assessment of cell viability and spectrophotometric assessment of DNA compactness in tissue fragments.

- Author and co-author of about 65 scientific publications, including experimental and review publications (number of citations about 500), and more than 20 popular science publications (for which I was honoured twice).

- Author and co-author of 75 communications at conferences and congresses in Poland and abroad.

- Use of about 100 methods in biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology and cytology and cytochemistry in research.

- Submission of five patent applications.

- Promotion of three doctorates.

- Scientific cooperation with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Palacky University (Olomouc), Polish Academy of Sciences (Botanical Garden - Powsin and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry - Poznań), University of Life Sciences in Cracow and University of Wrocław.

- Coordinator of the International Personal and Scientific Exchange Project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in 2016-2017.


phone: 42-635-42-71