Recruitment calendar for 2021/2022:

I stage - submission of application in USOSweb from 15.02.2021 to 10.03.2021
II stage - conducted at the faculty, including possible interviews via MS Teams from 10.03.2021 to 26.03.2021

Final results of the recruitment will be provided in USOSweb no later than 29.03.2021



Rules for extending mobility for summer semester under the Erasmus+ KA 103 and PO WER programmes in the 2021/22 academic year:


Each participating student undertakes that, after return from the Erasmus+ mobility, he/she submits documents to the IRO UŁ (BWZ UŁ) that confirm the programme carried out at the institution abroad, to the stipulated deadline (Part 6.5 of the Grant Agreement – required documents).


In order to complete your Erasmus+ file upon return from your study mobility, you are obliged to return to the IRO (BWZ UŁ) the following documents:

Document from the host institution (aka Confirmation). The difference between the ending date of the mobility period, as shown on the Confirmation document, and its date of issue, should not exceed three (3) days.

If, due to SARS-CoV-2 virus infection threat, or the occurence of other obstacles, the Participant is prevented from obtaining the original of the said Confirmation, he/she is obliged to apply to the host institution that they send notification of the length of study period implemented abroad, directly to the UL e-mail addres, namely bwz@uni.lodz.pl, or submit a different document confirming his/her study abroad mobility, as indicated by the UL. For comparison purposes, download a sample Confirmation (file available below).

Note: the minimum period of your study abroad is 3 months (which equals 90 days). If you stay shorter than the minimum, this means you need to repay your full grant amount.

If you want to check the lenght of your study moblity period abroad, please use "HE grant calculation MT+"(file available below). This tool is used to calculate the mobility period in accordance with “mobility capital” for Erasmus+ mobility.


Files to download

Transcipt of Records with a note from your Faculty-level / Departmental ECTS Coordinator containing the number of ECTS credits gained and the decision about recognition of mobility. A photocopy is acceptable. Download a sample Transcript of Records form. Please be aware that the Transcript of Records is an equivalent of the Tab. E in the LAS After Mobility section.


Files to download

Learning Agreement for Studies (its Before, During, and – if you had changed courses or modules – also After Mobility section). It should include signatures from the Home (UL) and Host (target) University. A photocopy is acceptable.

With your After Mobility section, it is important to fill in Table F – this is done at your home UL Faculty, by your Faculty / Departmental ECTS coordinator. Tab. E in the LAS After the Mobility section does not have to be completed and signed by the host University if the UL student receives the Transcript of Records as a separate document.


Files to download

Individual online report for the European Commission (the EU Survey) – every UL Student participating in the Erasmus+ mobility will be invited via e-mail to complete the final report, to which the link is provided in the message. The task  is to fill out the questionnaire and send it on-line. The invitation message is sent after the final day of your mobility and submiting your the certificate of stay to the IRO UŁ.  Check the message for the link to the survey, it starts with: ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/. After 2 or 3 days after your submission of the report at the EUSurvey platform, the IRO (BWZ) of the University of Lodz will gain access to your survey.

NOTE: Please send/submit the required documents to the IRO UL staff (mgr Dorota Jachimek or mgr Beata Kamińska) to the deadline shown in the grant agreement (not later than 2 months of the end date shown on your Confirmation of Stay) after contacting your ECTS Departmental Coordinator regarding recognition of your learning effects gained abroad. If you expect a delay, contact the IRO (BWZ UŁ) immediately – report the cause and length of delay, and apply for a new deadline. Be aware that your failure to keep the deadline will make the UL request the whole amount of grant from you.

In addition, each UL student participant is to account for the Erasmus+ study mobility (credit transfer etc.) at his/her home UL Faculty. Please direct your queries on this matter to your Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator or departmental ECTS coordinator.

You are only eligible for a partial refund of travel costs after presenting a complete set of documents to the IRO (BWZ UŁ) which is required to finish your mobility. The amount of refund available to you depends on the decision of the Dean of your Faculty.

In order to apply for a partial refund of your travel cost, fill in the form „Oświadczenie o poniesionych kosztach podróży / Travel cost declaration” (available below) and send it to the IRO (BWZ UŁ). Remember to attach your ticket(s) / invoice(s) / booking confirmation(s) or boarding pass (with your first and last name on it, as well as the place of departure and arrival).

Note: partial reimbursement of travel expenses only applies to tickets purchased for public transport means (bus, train, plane, ferry, etc.). Those traveling by car cannot apply for this kind of financial support.


Files to download



International Relations Office is open from Monday to Friday, 7:30 am. - 3:30 pm. Students interested in outgoing international exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus+) are invited to visit us in room 6 (ground floor). You can also call us: +48 42 635 4036

Outgoing student exchange staff:

mgr Dorota Jachimek

Dominika Chmielewska

Erasmus+ logo "Co-funded by the European Union"