Interdisciplinary Research Grants – a new competition for basic research addressed to all researchers. The main objective of the competition is the cooperation of scientists from the University of Lodz who specialise in different fields and scientific disciplines. The application manager should be a person whose discipline is the leading one in the proposed project.
Doctoral Research Grants ed. 2022 – a competition for research projects conducted by students of doctoral schools and doctoral studies who wish to pursue their research ideas in any discipline of science.
Grants for Young Researchers ed. 2022 – a competition for research projects conducted by young researchers, who want to implement their research ideas in any discipline of science.
You can find more information about the internal grant competitions IDUB in the UL Employee Knowledge Database/IDUB.
IDUB – call for internal grant competitions has been launched/contact details
Internal #UniLodz IDUB grants 2021 PLN – 5.5 million for high quality research
Source: Science Centre of the University of Lodz