Po pierwsze woda – XXV Zjazd Hydrobiologów Polskich na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim

Odra River pollution, climate changes, the relationship between human actions and water resources – these were the most important topics during the 25th Convention of Polish Hydrologists held at the University of Lodz between 7-9 September. The position of the Polish Hydrobiology Association on the Odra River pollution and the necessary changes to the river management system in Poland was adopted during the convention.

Theme of the convention was: “Hydrobiology in the Anthropocene Era”. Scientists from all over Poland discussed the matters related to, for instance, how water access determines society development by satisfying people’s needs mainly related to food production and industry development. Therefore, with the observed climate change and water resources limitations, the rational use and protection of water ecosystems are a constant challenge to people, especially for hydrologists. One of the main topics that hydrobiologists discussed during the convention was Odra River pollution.

Dr. hab. Inż Piotr Parasiewicz, from the Institute of Inland Fisheries, talked about the actions taken by the teams that were on site. – No one had expected what we saw there. It was only there, that we realised how serious this was – says Prof. Parasiewicz. – Something like that has never happened in Poland before!

Teams of scientists are still working at the river. – So far we were able to test 3000 fish but it is just a fraction of what can be found there. – emphasises Dr Parasiewicz. – We have started a monitoring programme and we are working on 9 parts of the river. There is always a question of “how big is the loss”, we are not able to access it yet. We have managed to test only some of the fish, there are still much lying at the bottom or floating down the river.

What conclusions were the scientists able to draw so far? – We have a ‘murder weapon’ – it was gold alga – says Dr Parasieiwcz. – But it is not the only factor responsible for the pollution. There is also the issue of Odra River regulation and a long drought caused by climate change.
The scientists emphasise that the Odra River pollution may soon happen again, and it may concern other rivers as well, for example, Vistula. – The problem with Odra is not only a problem with water
– emphasises Dr. hab. Inż. Robert Czerniawski from the Institute of Biology of the University of Szczecin. – The problem is in the sediments which will influence the algal bloom in the future.

Odra River pollution is the moment to change paradigms. – says Prof. dr. hab. Maciej  Zalewski from the UNESO Department of Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology of the University of Lodz. – At the moment we are deciding whether the catastrophe will come or whether we will be able to prevent it.  We are not able to control the nature anymore like during the times of geographic conquests. We should try to act as the crew of the spaceship called “Earth” – explains Prof. Zalewski. – This spaceship is construed by evolution but the crew must try to act reasonably. It is a big challenge for hydrogeologists. We must not only use our knowledge but also pass it in such a way that it proves helpful.

The position of the Polish Hydrobiology Association on the Odra River pollution and the necessary changes of the river management system in Poland was adopted during the convention.

The position was adopted unanimously by almost 200 convention participants, scientists from different institutions from all over Poland. The document will be soon published by the Polish Hydrobiology Association and sent to the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as the Ministry of Infrastructure (regarding the proper management of the river and its flood plain).

Convention organisers: Polish Historical Association in Lodz (the UNESO Department of Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology, the Department of Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology, the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz) and the PTH general board.

Content: 3PR; Photos: Karolina Wilczyńska, 3PR; Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz