Enrolment for Erasmus+ studies exchange for 2023/2024 has finished. Congratulations to those who have qualified!


The schedule of the enrolment for the academic year 2023/2024 is as follows:

  • 1st stage: submitting an application form through the USOSWeb platform from 13th February (12 noon) to 2nd March 2023 (by 12:00 noon).
  • 2nd stage of the enrolment takes place at the given Faculties from 3rd to 15th March 2023. In case of queries, please contact your Faculty Coordinator to ask about the 2nd stage of enrolment.
  • Final results of the enrolment should be visible at your USOSweb student account by 24th March 2023.


Due to the overload of the USOSweb system in the last hours of registration, please submit your application in advance!

List of mobility offers for students of the particular UL Faculties (as they are based on signed agreements between partner universities abroad and a given UL Faculty) within the Erasmus+ programme will be available at the USOSWeb platform.

While viewing Erasmus+ study abroad offers (mobility offers) at the USOSweb platform, please pay attention to whether the given offer is available for students of your study programme (major) and cycle of studies (Bachelor’s / Master’s degree etc.). Please also check the foreign partner university’s website for details of the Erasmus+ classes and modules, and if their content fits and correspond to your regular study programme at the UL.

When you sign in to the USOSWeb, enter the „Student’s Section” menu and select the „Student mobility” tab, then choose your home Faculty of the UŁ, or specifically if you study at the Faculty of Philology, choose one of the units/departments listed below, where mobility offers will be defined and active for this year’s recruitment.

In case of departures from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz, the list of outgoing mobilities to foreign universities under the Erasmus+ program can be found at the USOSweb platform, marked as available for the following units:

  • Katedra Dramatu i Teatru (Department of Drama and Theatre) – for students of Polish Philology, Journalism, Library Science, Cultural Studies;
  • Zakład Pragmatyki (Department of Pragmatics) – English, Spanish, Romance (French) and Italian Philology;
  • Zakład Literatury Niemieckojęzycznej (Department of German Literature) – German, Slavic, Russian, and Classical Philology.
  • Under the „University of Łódź” tag in the USOSweb list, there are mobility offers negotiated by the Women’s Studies Centre in order to be made available to all the UL students interested in the issues of Gender Studies, regardless of their home Faculty.

The student may submit 1 (one) application in the USOSweb platform available for their home Faculty (or Department, in the case of the Faculty of Philology) and 1 (one) additional application tagged „University of Lodz” if he or she can justify their academic interest in the field of Gender Studies.

The 2nd Stage of an enrolment is held at given UL Faculty between 3rd and 15th March 2023. There may be an additional MS Teams interview in order to verify the language skills you have declared. Your Faculty Coordinator will guide you through the 2nd stage of the process.

At this stage, students’ grade average (who submitted their application via USOSweb) will be obtained from the Dean’s Office of the given UL Faculty.

Final results of the enrolment should be visible at your USOSweb student account by 24th March 2023. The qualified student should as soon as possible provide missing details in the Mobility tab, and, after Coordinator’s approval, a Student Mobility Nomination Form may be generated. You will be able to download the form as soon as the “Finished” status shows up in the Qualification Stage field – then, press the “Print Form” button.

You should download the Student Mobility Nomination Form, sign and send it to your Faculty Coordinator not later than by 24th March 2023. Moreover, students of the 3rd year of Bachelor’s degree programmes who are qualified for mobility starting in their 1st year of Master’s degree studies, should attach the Field of Study Declaration (file below) to their Faculty Coordinator in order to assure that they will continue studies at the same UL Faculty as their Bachelor programme from which they applied for their mobility.


Files to download




UL student nominated for the Erasmus+ student mobility for studies or the student mobility within the Education programme for the academic year 2023/24, may start preparing documents which should be sent/emailed to the host university in a paper or e-version. After receiving basic information about the nominated students from the UL, usually the partner universities send a welcome email with full information about the required documents and the deadline. Generally, the nominated students are asked to register via the online system of the host university and/or send some documents in a hard or e-version.

If you were nominated for the Erasmus+/Education student mobility for studies for the academic year 2023/24 and you have not received or not receive any email from the host university please check information about the deadline and required procedure on the webpage of the host university dedicated for incoming exchange students and start preparing the proper documents. Depending on the total number of incoming students, the beginning date of the academic year 2023/24 at the host university, the mobility period, application deadlines may be different in each universities (usually between April and July for student mobility starting in the autumn/winter semester).

The incoming students are usually asked to send below documents:

  • Application form
  • Learning Agreement for Studies ("Before the mobility" – template of the UL available below); many universities have their own template of the LAS. Or: via USOSewb if the host institution is ready to approve the LA digitally via EWP​: check the guide below.
  • Student Transcript of Records, which you may get from your home Dean’s office. It should be signed by the Dean or the Dean’s office staff.
  • Confirmation of language competences. It can be a scan of official language certificate, confirmation issued by the language teacher.
  • Copy of medical insurance.
  • Copy of your ID document or passport.
  • Cover letter or motivation letter.
  • Other documents required by your host university.

A welcome e-mail from the host university is not equivalent to the acceptance/admission letter, which usually is sent after verification of documents sent by the incoming student.

Please read an Erasmus+ Student Charter.

The International Relations Office of the UL may issue the nomination letter for an outgoing UL student, if the host university requires it or it is necessary to legalise your stay in the host country.

We kindly remind you that non-EU citizens are obliged to enquire at the respective embassies/ consulates of the countries they are nominated to about visa procedures for students nominated for semestral / full-year studies.



The following is the list of documents that should be e-mailed for verification (before bringing them in person at IRO UL) in order to sign a financial (grant) agreement for the 2023/24 student mobility under Erasmus+: 

Starting this year, the student fills out an online Learning Agreement for studies in USOSWeb - (access path: Student’s section / student exchange /mobilities / EWP LA). 

NOTE - if you want to download the LAS from USOSweb, then click the PRINT options of the document and save it in pdf format. 

If the host university is not ready to approve the LA online then it is acceptable to complete the document of the paper version. In order for the document to be valid it must be approved by 3 sides: the student of the UŁ, the Coordinator of the foreign university, the ECTS faculty coordinator from the UŁ. 

NOTE - Even if the university requires you to complete the LAS on the OLA platform then don't do it - complete the LAS in USOSweb. 

For use by the student in preparing the document here is the guidance on how to prepare and use the model "Learning Agreement" https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2022-06/2022-guidelines-learning-studies_en  

Files to download

Not applicable for students who fulfill their LAS in USOS

It is an internal document of the UL to complete by the student providing that the home Faculty of the student requires it. 

Files to download

Admission letter/email from the host university with precise start and end dates (dd/mm/yy) of student mobility semester abroad. 

Proof of medical insurance policy valid for the period of trip and stay at the host institution, as well as the travel back to the home institution’s country – a copy of European Health Insurance Card or other medical insurance policy valid for the whole period of student mobility abroad in the host country and the days of travel to and from the mobility. 

If you have any problems getting an EHIC card, we can provide you with a certificate to the National Health Service (file below) to obtain the card. Please send the document to a staff member at IRO UL with your name, surname, country and name of the host university, as well as the planned dates of travel to and from the foreign university, taking into account the start and end dates of mobility abroad. 

You will make an EHIC card in person at any branch or delegation of the NFZ, more information: https://www.nfz.gov.pl/dla-pacjenta/medical-treatment-abroad/  

Files to download

Confirmation of student status at the University of Lodz in the semester of the mobility abroad in 2023/2024 academic year (issued by the Dean’s office).  

Please email your faculty Dean’s office to apply for it. In case that you are only able to receive the 2022/23 confirmation, it should contain a note that you have completed the 2022/23 winter and summer exam session. 

Students of Year 1 second-cycle (Master’s) programme, may only be able to sign the financial agreement after 1 October 2023 after having obtained the UL student status (any period of mobility abroad before 1 October shall not be financed). 


  • A foreign currency (EUR) account is required. 

  • The scholarship is paid in EUR currency. 

  • The student must be the owner of the account. 

A student who has a foreign currency account in a bank registered in Poland (26 digits in the account number) completes the bank data in USOSweb (access path: Student’s section / student exchange /mobilities /bank account). 

If the foreign currency account is established in a foreign bank then the student fills out a scholarship transfer order (paper version) and sends it to IRO with a set of documents for signing the mobility agreement. 


Files to download

Certificate issued by the Student Service Centre of the UL on receiving a UL social scholarship in the summer semester 2022/23, if applicable. This is only applicable to students who marked the “2021/22 summer semester social benefit” field during qualification stage at the USOSweb platform. 

Valid disability degree certificate (Certified True Copy) – only applicable to students with certified disability. 

The OLS language proficiency test is not mandatory.  

Students who wish to check their language proficiency level (e.g. English Placement Test) or take online language courses before and during their stay abroad may do so. To do so, create an account at EU Login: academy.europa.eu/ 

Helpful information on how to log in is included in the files below: 

  • How to create an EU Login 

  • EUAcademy OLS - Tutorial Community 

Files to download


Use the mobility calculator to calculate the days of your planned mobility.

Files to download


Each participating student undertakes that, after return from the Erasmus+ mobility, he/she submits documents to the IRO UŁ (BWZ UŁ) that confirm the programme carried out at the institution abroad, to the stipulated deadline (Part 6.4 of the Grant Agreement – required documents).

Document from the host institution (Confirmation). The date of issue of the confirmation has to be equal to the ending date of the mobility period, or later. This means that the document cannot be issued earlier than the ending date of your mobility.

If your stay will be shorter than 150 days (the period for wich 1st instament has been paid) you will have to return part of your scholarship. If the mobility will be longer than 150 days, you will get 2nd instalment. The maximum financing period is 180 days - 6 months. 

Note: the minimum period of your study abroad is 2 months (which equals 60 days). If you stay shorter than the minimum, this means you need to repay your full grant amount.

If you want to check the lenght of your study moblity period abroad, please use "HE grant calculation" (file available below). This tool is used to calculate the mobility period in accordance with “mobility capital” for Erasmus+ mobility.

Files to download

Transcript of Records (universities usually use their own forms) with a note from the Faculty/ECTS coordinator of the UŁ about how many ECTS credits the student has earned and whether the student is thus credited for the stay abroad (can be a copy).

A copy of the document can be emailed to 1 of the 2 UŁ BWZ staff members: mgr Dorota Jachimek or mgr Beata Kamińska, after the settlement of learning outcomes abroad at the Faculty has been obtained from the ECTS coordinator.

Learning Agreement for Studies, During Part - if changes were made; signed by the student, the Faculty Coordinator and the responsible person from the Host University. If you have done the LAS in USOS, upload the downloaded and approved document from the system.

NOTE - if you want to download the LAS from USOSweb, then click the button PRINT document in options and save it in pdf format.

A copy of the document can be sent by e-mail to the address of the BWZ UŁ staff member: mgr Dorota Jachimek or mgr Beata Kamińska.

Files to download

Individual online report for the European Commission (the EU Survey) – every UL Student participating in the Erasmus+ mobility will be invited via e-mail to complete the final report, to which the link is provided in the message.

The task is to fill out the questionnaire and send it on-line. The invitation message is sent after the final day of your mobility and submiting the certificate of stay to the IRO UŁ. Check the message for the link to the survey, it starts with: ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/.

After 2 or 3 days after your submission of the report at the EUSurvey platform, the IRO (BWZ) of the University of Lodz will gain access to your survey.

You are only eligible for a partial refund of travel costs after presenting a complete set of documents to the IRO (BWZ UŁ) which is required to finish your mobility. The amount of refund available to you depends on the decision of the Dean of your Faculty.

In order to apply for a partial refund of your travel cost, fill in the form „Oświadczenie o poniesionych kosztach podróży/Travel cost declaration” (available below) and send it to the IRO (BWZ UŁ).  Remember to attach your ticket(s) / invoice(s) / booking confirmation(s) or boarding pass (with your first and last name on it, as well as the place of departure and arrival).

Note: partial reimbursement of travel expenses only applies to tickets purchased for public transport means (bus, train, plane, ferry, etc.). Those traveling by car cannot apply for this kind of financial support.

Files to download

For a detailed description of the rules for the settlement of green travel, please refer to the rules for the financing of Erasmus+ mobility.

Files to download


Faculty-level Mobility and ECTS Coordinators at the University of Lodz are responsible for outgoing UL students. They can assist you with the following tasks:

  • ECTS Coordinator is the person with whom you agree on LAS/LAT (Learning Agreement for Studies/Traineeships) before your mobility and - if necessary - during mobility (changes in the document). Upon return, ECTS Coordinator confirms that your mobility semester is approved.
    Link to ECTS Coordinators' list: international-mobility/ects-coordinators
  • Faculty/Mobility Coordinator is the person who signs bilateral/exchange agreements and is responsible for enrolment process for outgoing mobility at the given faculty.
    Link to Faculty Coordinators' list: international-mobility/faculty-coordinators


International Relations Office is open from Monday to Friday, 7:30 am. - 3:30 pm. Students interested in outgoing international exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus+) are invited to visit us in room 6 (ground floor). You can also call us: +48 42 635 4036

Outgoing student exchange staff:

mgr Dorota Jachimek

Dominika Chmielewska

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