Cost of a dormitory, photocopying, going out with friends that are on the same year – student life has its charms…and its price. A student loan is a good way to ensure yourself a permanent source of cash. If you do not want to work during your studies and your financial possibilities are limited, you can consider such a source of income during your studies.

Student loans are granted by commercial banks and their purpose is to increase your chances of studying. You can obtain them from several Polish banks.


Students under the age of 30 and doctoral students under the age of 35 can apply for a student loan. 


Student loans are granted by commercial banks. To get one you can visit the following banks: PKO Bank Polski S.A., Bank PEKAO S.A., Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. (together with affiliated cooperative banks), SGB-Bank S.A. (together with affiliated cooperative banks)


The instalment depends on your application and it may amount to PLN400, PLN600, PLN800 or PLN1000. 


The bank will require several basic documents: certificates confirming that you are studying or confirming your participation in the recruitment process (if you have just applied and decided to finance your studies early), statements about your income and the income of your family members and their current number, as well as documents assessing your creditworthiness.