Welcome Point is open from25th of September to 8th of October at the following hours:

  • 25-26.09: 12-17
  • 27.09: 11-18
  • 28-29.09: 10-18
  • 30.09-1.10: 10-15
  • 2-3.10: 10-18
  • 4-6.10: 12-17
  • 7-8.10: 10-14

We are more than aware that coming to a new country can be quite of a culture shock. As an international student, you will be faced with many challenges along the way, so with this in mind we decided to create Welcome Point – a meeting place full of Mentors who will answer your most crucial questions. The Mentors we appointed are students or have already finished their university journey, so they understand how stressful everything might seem. Which is why they were invited to lend you a hand.  

Welcome Point, which will be situated in our main library – BUŁA (Jana Matejki 32) will have spot for integration, equipped with boardgames and free Wi-Fi, which will be more than helpful at the beginning of your journey in Poland. Additionally, it also provides access to co-working space where you can sit with other students and get to know one another.  

We highly encourage you to visit it!  

See you there!



We advise to visit the place of you accommodation before you come to the IRO office to submit your documents. On Google Maps you will find any address that you need in Łódź.


­­­­If you have been granted a place in a dormitory confirmed by email with the address where you should go to, below is more useful information. 


►Each UL dormitory administration has a list of students who are to be accommodated there, so please make sure to go to the appropriate dormitory according to the email you received.
►Technically, you can show up at your Dormitory at any time (providing you agree on the specific day and time with Dormitory staff – see email you received from IRO) but checking in on weekdays and before 3.30 PM gets you a bedding set; latecomers get a blanket and wait for bedding till the next working day. Please be prepared for this if you arrive in the evening, or at weekend.


  1. Technically rooms are not equipped with fridges. However, it happens that students buy small fridges and leave them in the room when they move out – so it’s possible that some rooms actually do have a fridge, but it’s not part of official equipment.
  2. Every floor in the dorm has a kitchen available for students. It is a common area, so please remember to leave it in clean and in good condition.
  3. At each Dormitory, there is free internet connection. In order to get access, take a request form from the reception desk, fill it in and return. Most Dormitories have wired connections (Ethernet cable), so you need to make sure that your laptop has an Ethernet (aka RJ-45) port – if not, you will need to buy an Ethernet switch buy it at any tech shop in the city (i.e. Media Markt, RTV Euro AGD, or others). Additionally, Dorms 5, 7, 9, 10 and 14 have a Wi-Fi.
  4. Each Dormitory has a laundry. To use it, go to the reception desk on Friday and sign up for the following week. If you miss the sing-up, you will have to manage on your own.
  5. If there is any issue unclear or you encounter any problem, please talk about it first with the reception employee or the dorm manager. If you feel your problem needs further assistance, please contact IRO.

    NOTE: usually Dormitory staff might not speak perfect English, but being friendly and nice helps to overcome any problems. You can always use translation websites, or phrasebooks, for the simple messages you want to pass. You can also turn to fellow students from your dormitory’s Tenant’s Council (in Polish: Rada Mieszkańców DS).



After checking in at the dormitory or other place of stay, you should take your original admission documents to International Relations Office (IRO) / Biuro Współpracy z Zagranicą (BWZ), between 15th September and 2nd October.

♦The IRO staff will ask you for original documents (credentials for admission) because up till that moment, the admission process was based on the scans uploaded on the admission platform. Now, the IRO staff will check the documents, and their Embassy legalizations, to see if everything is in order. Please be aware, that if you lack one of the documents you cannot be officially admitted to the University of Lodz. You will also be asked to show the documents of your right to stay in Poland (e.g. visa, permanent residence permit).

♦It is advised that you prepare all the documents neatly (including your international passport [ID page and visa] as well as insurance policy) – this way, the IRO can work faster. There may be a line of students waiting for admission: please ask them who is the last person in line.

♦The IRO will take your set of documents (see checklist below) when they are all fine and pass them to an appropriate UL Faculty for your further registration – please do not take your documents to the faculty yourself, unless asked so by the IRO. Usually, it takes a couple of days to transfer documents. Your original documents will stay at your Faculty’s Dean’s Office during your whole studies.



The originals of:

High school certificate, with Apostille or legalized by the Polish Embassy.

If this document is not in Polish or English, you also need to bring its translation.

Transcript of school record bearing an Apostille or legalized (if not included in the certificate).

If this document is not in Polish or English, you also need to bring its translation.

Eligibility Statement proving that the certificate allows the candidate to study at the university level in their country, issued by the Embassy of Poland or local Board of Education (unless on the certificate itself).

If this document is not in Polish or English, you also need to bring its translation.

Showing it is enough, please do not bring a copy.

Health insurance policy valid in Poland. Showing it is enough, please do not bring a copy.

Original English Language certificate (at least B2 level), if applicable.

Please bring signed originals:

  • Application form with attached photo.
  • Statutory obligation/Declaration.
  • Personal data statement.
  • Contact data form.


The originals of:

Bachelor’s diploma, with Apostille or legalized by the Polish Embassy.

If this document is not in Polish or English, you also need to bring its translation.

Transcript of academic record bearing an Apostille or legalized.

If this document is not in Polish or English, you also need to bring its translation.

Showing it is enough, please do not bring a copy.

Health insurance policy valid in Poland. Showing it is enough, please do not bring a copy.

Original English Language certificate (at least B2 level), if applicable.

Please bring signed originals:

  • Application form with attached photo.
  • Statutory obligation/Declaration.
  • Personal data statement.
  • Contact data form.


IRO and Faculty


student mentor
*Every student is obliged to activate and use the @edu.uni.lodz.pl account. It gives you access to: USOSweb (schedules, grades, etc.), Wi-Fi in UL buildings and MS Office package. Once activated, UL staff will contact you only by this email! You can activate your @edu.uni.lodz.pl once you submit your documents to IRO (you will receive automatic email with activation link). Make sure it’s one of the first things you do at the UL.

*USOS app: Mobile USOS is the only official mobile application developed by the USOS team of programmers. As of now, it's available for Android and iOS systems. USOS is the University Study System used at many universities in Poland. Each university has its own version of the Mobile USOS, depending on the USOS version currently implemented at the university. The Mobile USOS UL is designed for students and employees of the University of Lodz. Application provides the following modules:

  • Class schedule - by default the class schedule is shown for today, but there are also options 'Tomorrow', 'All week', 'Next week' and 'Any week'.
  • Academic calendar - the student will be able to check when the important academic year events occur, for example registrations, holidays or exam sessions.
  • Class groups - information about the course, lecturers and participants are available; the location of classes can be viewed on Google maps, and the dates can be added to the calendar used on the mobile phone.
  • Grades/Exam reports - in this module the student will see all the grades obtained, the employee will be able to complete the grades in the exam report. The system sends notifications about new grades on a regular basis.
  • Tests - the student will see points from tests and final assignments, and the employee will be able to enter points, grades, comments and change the visibility of the test. The system sends notifications about new results on a regular basis.
  • Surveys - the student can complete the survey, the employee can see the up to date number of completed surveys.
  • USOSmail - you can send a message to participants of one or many class groups.
  • My ID cards - the student will see the obverse and the reverse of his electronic student ID, PhD student - doctoral student ID, and employee - employee ID card.
  • My eID - PESEL, index, ELS/ELD/ELP, PBN code, ORCID etc. are available as QR code and bar code.
  • Useful information - this module shows information that the university deems particularly useful, e.g. contact details of the student dean's office and student government.
  • News - messages sent by authorized persons (dean, student section employee, student self-government, etc.) are delivered to the mobile phone on a regular basis.
  • Search engine - you can search for students, employees, courses.

The application is still being developed, further functionalities will be added successively. The USOS programmers team is open to user feedback. For proper use of the application, an account is required at UŁ websites (so-called CAS account). Mobile USOS UŁ is available in Polish and English language versions.


  • Schedule of classes can be found on the web page of the Faculty or in USOSweb.
  • Please make sure you check the correct schedule for your degree and year of studies.
  • For some courses (discussion class, laboratory, etc.) you might be divided into groups – make sure to check which group you belong to and attend the right schedule.

We suggest attending the classes from the very beginning as most professors allow only 2 absences during the semester – more absences may result in lowering the final grade, or even not passing the course. If you know in advance that you won’t be able to attend a class, please inform the lecturer about it and ask how you can make up for the absence. Also, if you miss some classes due to sickness, make sure you get a statement from your doctor that proves it and present it to the lecturer.


  • Student ID card is probably one of the most important and useful card every student can have.
  • In order to get yours, you have to firstly pay 22 zł (you’ll get transfer details from IRO while submitting documents) and send/show proof of payment to the Dean’s Office.
  • ​​​​​​​After that they will tell you when to come back to them to pick up your student ID. In order to enjoy most of students’ discounts (e.g. you have 50% off for public transport in Łódź) remember to have your student ID card with you.



Each year, the newcomers are invited for a Welcome Meeting. On that day the University of Lodz will officially welcome you and give many useful information about your studies. This is a very important meeting so, please mark it in your calendar.  

Meeting is going to take place on 7th of October. 
More details you are supposed to receive through e-mail. 






We invite newcomers to a BBQ integration (after the Welcome Meeting)! We provide place and food, ESN UL provides integration games, and you… just need to have fun 😊 As there is a limited number of guests we can host, there will be a survey sent in order to register for the event. The rule of registration is simple: first come, first served. Expect email with details in the first week of October.

See for yourself why it is worth to save your spot: International Students Office's Welcome meeting & BBQ 2022 | Flickr 


►If you are a student from a non-EU/EEA country, you should purchase (and most likely you had) health insurance in your home country, valid in Poland. According to state health regulations, foreigners (except for EU/EEA citizens, who follow the EHIC card regulations) have to pay for a medical consultation. The cost should be reimbursed by the health insurance company, but please verify your agreement attentively so you are aware which medical consultations/procedures are refund.

If the insurance company in your home country does not pay benefits abroad, you must get insurance after arriving in Poland, as soon as possible. There are 2 options to choose from:

To get public health insurance, you can apply to the local branch of the National Heath Fund (35 Targowa Street), also known as the NFZ. Bring a copy of:

  • your passport
  • confirmation of student status from the UL (the student status form must be in Polish; get it from the Dean’s Office at your UL Faculty). 
  • official confirmation of the place of residence; first you take the proof of accommodation from the Dorm reception and then you need to register your address personally in the City of Łódź Office - Łódzkie Centrum Kontaktu z Mieszkańcami, 110 Piotrkowska Street (entrance from Schiller Passage / Aleja Schillera).

Monthly fee for this kind of insurance is 55,80 zł (PLN 55,80). You need to go to the NFZ office to sign the agreement and then remember about paying each month on time to stay insured. Once you have the Polish National Health Found (NFZ) insurance, you can seek medical treatment that is free of charge. Before seeing a doctor it is necessary to register at the registration desk and to present an insurance policy and your Student ID (in Polish: legitymacja).

You can also choose to get health insurance (as well as liability, life or property insurance if you need so) from a number of private companies operating in Poland. This way, you may save money on your fees, or adjust the insurance sum to your personal needs. These are, for instance: Allianz, Aviva, Axa, Compensa, Generali, Gothaer, InterRisk, Nationale-Nederlanden, Prudential, PZU, Warta etc. – this list is unfinished, and we cannot recommend any of these in particular; you will need to make your own research on that.


There are two possibilities that apply to majority of students:

Go to any health centre with “NFZ” sign and fill in declaration (in Polish) on site. For visit, you need to make appointment at the reception desk (you can try calling them). With EHIC, visit is free, as well as most medical examinations that are ordered by a doctor. TIP: when searching google for the medical centre, try those words: Łódź, przychodnia, POZ, wizyta u lekarza, NFZ.

First of all, call your insurance provider and describe what is happening. They should give you address of a specific health centre that will assist you. Please know that in most cases you will be required to pay for the visit and then the cost is reimbursed by the health insurance company, but please verify your agreement attentively so you are aware which medical consultations/procedures can be refunded.


♦ Hospital „Barlickiego” has an emergency ward: ul. Kopcińskiego 22, Łódź, tel: +48 42 677 66 00 Please note that emergency wards are for emergency situations only. For less serious conditions, or usual treatment of illness, please use regular doctor appointments.

♦ A  non-stop  emergency  medical  service  center (Pogotowie  Ratunkowe)  is  at  137/141  Sienkiewicza Street (in the neighborhood of Galeria Łódzka). You may use their service in emergency cases, such as injuries, when no other service is available.

♦ Medications can be bought in a pharmacy, known in Polish as apteka. You can find one in the Campus, at 3 Tamka Street (at the walkway between Tamka Street and Pomorska Street).


Faculty inaugurations, examination sessions, breaks between the semesters and the Rector’s days – check important dates that are worth remembering by the #UniLodz community.



  1. The official inauguration of the academic year takes place on 2 October 2023.
  2. Inauguration of the academic year at the Faculties should take place until 2 October 2023.
  3. Didactic classes start on 3 October 2023 and last until 28 January 2024.
  4. Days off from the didactic classes are, as follows:
    • 31 October 2023 – the Rector’s day,
    • 2 November 2023 – the Rector’s day,
    • from 22 December 2023 until 7 January 2024 – winter holiday break,
    • from 12 to 18 February 2024 – break between the semesters.
  5. Examination sessions in the winter semester take place on the following dates:
    • from 29 January to 11 February 2024 – winter examination session,
    • from 19 to 25 February 2024 – winter make-up examination session.

The Faculty Deans may decide to start the summer semester up to one week earlier. This change cannot affect settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD).

  1. Didactic classes start on 26 February and last until 16 June 2024.
  2. Days off from the classes are, as follows:
    • from 27 March to 2 April 2024 – Easter holiday break,
    • 2 May 2024 – the Rector’s day,
    • one May Friday – might be declared the Rector’s day due to Juwenalia (students' festival),
    • 24 May 2022 – the Rector’s day due to the Celebration Day of the University of Lodz,
    • 31 May 2023 – the Rector’s day.
  3. Examination sessions in the summer semester take place on the following dates:
    • from 17 June to 7 July 2024 – summer examination session,
    • from 8 July until 30 September 2024 – break for summer holidays, scientific camps, internships, etc.,
    • dates of final assessments and examinations during autumn examination session taking place in September are determined by the Dean.

The Dean may prolong classes as part of part-time (weekend) studies until 23 June 2024 and decide on exemption from classes on days preceding or following other days off. This change cannot affect the settlement of settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD).


  1. The official inauguration of the academic year takes place on 3 October 2022.
  2. Inauguration of the academic year at the Faculties should take place until 3 October 2022.
  3. Didactic classes start on 4 October 2022 and last until 22 January 2023.
  4. Days off from the didactic classes are, as follows:
    a. 31 October 2022 – the Rector’s day
    b. 2 November 2022 – the Rector’s day 
    c. from 23 December 2022 until 1 January 2023 – winter holiday break
    d. from 6 to 12 February 2023 – break between the semesters
  5. Examination sessions in the winter semester take place on the following dates:
    a. from 23 January until 5 February 2023  – winter examination session
    b. from 13 until 19 February 2023 – winter make-up examination session

The Faculty Deans may decide to start the summer semester up to one week earlier. This change cannot affect settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD). 

  1. Didactic classes start on 20 February and last until 11 June 2023.
  2. Days off from the classes are, as follows:
    a. from 5 until 11 April 2023 – Easter holiday break
    b. 2 May 2023 – the Rector’s day
    c. 24 May 2022 – the Rector’s day due to the Celebration Day of the University of Lodz
    d. 27 May 2023 – the Rector’s day
    e. 28 May 2023 – day off
    f. one May Friday – might be declared the Rector’s day due to Juwenalia
    g. 9 June 2023 – day off
  3. Examination sessions in the summer semester take place on the following dates:
    a. from 12 June until 2 July 2023 – summer examination session
    b. from 3 July until 30 September 2023 – break for summer holidays, scientific camps, internships, etc.
    c. dates of final assessments and examinations during autumn examination session taking place in September are determined by the Dean

The Dean may prolong classes as part of part-time (weekend) studies until 18 June 2023 and decide on exemption from classes on days preceding or following other days off. This change cannot affect the settlement of settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD).



The Mentor Program is designed to make it easier for foreign students who come to the University of Lodz to stay in our city and study at our university.

Participation in this program is a great opportunity for you to make international friends but also to get help at beginning of your studies.  
Contact mentor.uni.lodz@esn.pl if you want to receive the possibility of being introduced to one of the Mentors!  






The Project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland Programme (2022)

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