Public Transport in Lodz offers you access to buses, trams or trains. You can also get a long-term ticket called MIGAWKA which is cheaper than buying only temporary tickets. When you get your Student ID you can integrate it with Migawka.

Find out more on the page below:
Strona startowa EN - MPK-Lodz Spolka z o.o.


The University of Lodz Sports Facility is a modern facility, with excellent infrastructure and equipment. You can spend your time there not only actively, but simply in a nice way, with the benefit of your physical condition and health.

If you want to learn what can you do over there and how to get access to the facility read more below:


If you are looking for some inspiration, what to do in your free time, you have to check our to do list!

  1. Piotrkowska street: the most famous street in Lodz. There are many places worth to see such as restaurants, caffes, local shops and much more. The number one on your to see places! Piotrkowska Street - Turystyczny Portal Łodzi (
  2. Manufaktura is not only the biggest shopping mall in Lodz but also a place where everyone want to hang out. You can find there restaurants and a big leisure complex. Just go there and see for yourself! MANUFAKTURA
  3. Arturówek and Łagiewniki: the amazing forest complex situated 30 minutes ride from the city centre. The favourite spot of the meetings during beautfiul weather. 

Discover much more opportunities about seeing different places and attending varied events based in Lodz here


In case of any issues connected with your safety please inform us.

Be aware of the fact, that a unit resposible for all the safe procedures is Police - whenever something bad happen you should always go to the neartest police station. 
We also recommend to go with you Mentor or friend who knows Polish.
In case of any emergiencies call 112.


The Project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland Programme (2022)

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