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- I believe that all those who, by their actions, make us, as a society, more aware of environmental challenges deserve congratulations. They cause that taking small steps we begin to notice the need for change. There are definitely more of them than these 25 women, whom I also sincerely congratulate and thank for their determination. For me personally, it is a great distinction and a summary of many recent years of activity. It would not be possible, of course, if it had not been for many people who, with their support, knowledge and commitment, confirm my belief that our work makes sense. Climate change and the entire list of other environmental problems that must be faced are reason enough to act - says dr Agata Rudnicka.
Dr Agata Rudnicka has been dealing with the issues of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development for over a dozen years. She is an expert of Responsible Business Forum, she is also a member of the Center of Social Innovation Scientific Council and of the Programme Council in the Center for Sustainable Development Studies, UL.
She is an author and co-author of numerous scientific and expert publications. Her fields of interests also include: supply chain responsibility and sustainable business models.
Dr Agata Rudnicka carries out a wide educational activity also outside of the University of Lodz. She takes part in many events popularizing the idea of sustainable development and CSR. She is, inter alia, a co-author of the book entitled "Uszyte z klasą. Przemysł odzieżowy wobec wyzwań społecznych i środowiskowych" [Sewn with class. Clothing industry in the face of social and environmental challenges] and a report "Digital ethics - polscy konsumenci wobec wyzwań etycznych związanych z rozwojem technologii." [Digital ethics - Polish consumers in the face of ethical challenges related to technology development].
Selected materials with participation of dr Agata Rudnicka:,1618...
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL