Dofinansowanie osób z niepełnosprawnościami. 1,2 mln zł dla UŁ

University of Lodz will receive PLN 1,213,200 to support students and doctoral students with disabilities. The university is among the higher education institutions that will receive the largest financial support. The total amount of subsidy from the funds of the Ministry of Education and Science is over PLN 37 million – the amount will be distributed among 94 universities.

In accordance with the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 1 June 2023, the subsidies will be allocated to the implementation of tasks related to providing people with disabilities with conditions allowing for full participation in the recruitment process for studies and doctoral schools. The support of the Ministry of Education and Science also includes education at universities and doctoral schools or conducting scientific activity.

The following universities will receive the largest subsidies:

  • Jagiellonian University (PLN 2 468 600)
  • University of Warsaw (PLN 2 066 300) 
  • University of Gdańsk (PLN 1 561 000) 
  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (PLN 1 434 596)
  • University of Lodz (PLN 1 213 200)

The funds received from the Ministry of Education and Science will allow to expand the scope of activities related to the accessibility of the University of Lodz to people with disabilities.

Details of the announcement of the Ministry of education and Science (in Polish)

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz