Od A do Z: Luksemburg i Polska w stulecie stosunków dyplomatycznych w Bibliotece UŁ

An open-air exhibition “100 years of diplomatic relations between Luxembourg and Poland” is now available in front of the building of the University of Lodz Library. It can be viewed until 15 December. During the ceremonial opening of the exhibition, J.E. Paul Schmit, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Poland, spoke, among others, about how much both countries have in common in the political, historical, cultural and economic spheres.

prof. Łukasz Bogucki, the UL Vice-Rector; J.E. Paul Schmit, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Poland; prof. Wojciech Wolf, Honorary Consul of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Lodz

The exhibition commemorates the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Republic of Poland which took place on 18 April 1921. On that day, Count Władysław Sobański presented his letters of credence to Her Royal Highness Grand Duchess Charlotte. The exhibition presents facts and anecdotes that are symbolic of the common history of Luxembourg and Poland. The descriptions are arranged in order from A to Z. The exhibition has been organised by the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 

The opening ceremony was also attended by prof. Wojciech Wolf, Honorary Consul of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Lodz, Adam Pustelnik, Vice President of Lodz, and Prof. Lukasz Bogucki, Vice Rector for International Relations of the University of Lodz.

Prof. Łukasz Bogucki summed up his converstaion with the ambassador:

First of all, we discussed about the cooperation between the University of Lodz and the University of Luxembourg. Students from Luxembourg rarely choose Polish universities, including the University of Lodz, as the destination of their study mobility. The reason for that is most frequently the lack of awareness of the fact that Polish universities offer classes in English and other congress languages. There is a need for an information campaign on the offer of courses run in foreign languages at the University of Lodz and for extending this offer. There is a large group of Poles living in Luxembourg whose children are entering college age. According to Ambassador Paul Schmit, advertising the UL in secondary schools in Luxembourg would certainly result in an influx of students.

The ambassador, Paul Schmit said:

I am very happy to be here at the University of Lodz Library and I thank you for your great hospitality and for showing your wonderful collections. The exhibition from A to Z shows what Luxembourg and Poland have in common. One of the companies that we manage produces furniture in Lodz. Of course, academic relations are also very important for us, that's why I have been in Lodz for the third time during my term of office.

The Vice-President of Lodz, Adam Pustelnik emphasized the closeness of Luxembourg and Lodz in many aspects and senses:  

Numerous financial investors come from there, including those from the cargo sphere, which is very important for our region. In a globalised world, the number of connections that Lodz will create with Luxembourg and with many other partners around the world translates into an abundance of initiatives.

Source: University of Lodz Library
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL