Opened courses dla studentów UŁ na 10 europejskich uniwersytetach

University of Lodz has joined the alliance of European universities this year – the University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC), the only alliance that brings together universities from post-industrial areas. University of Lodz is one of 10 partners of the alliance.

Thanks to that students of the University of Lodz will be able to take advantage of the UNIC Opened courses offer already in the winter semester, i.e. take part in the classes conducted at 10 partner universities of the UNIC alliance remotely (online).

How to take part in the UNIC Opened courses?

  • visit the website:;
  • from the "Semester" tab choose the semester of your interest: either „autumn/winter semester 2022/23” or ,,spring/summer semester 2023”;
  • familiarise yourself with the offer of courses offered by the UNIC universities in a given semester;
  • check the details of selected classes such as participation conditions, course requirements and registration deadline;
  • select the course that you would like to take part in;
  • send an e-mail to the e-mail address: containing information about the selected classes;
  • you will receive a return e-mail with detailed information. It will be necessary to register with a partner university and sign a Learning Agreement to be able to recognize the study effects obtained at a foreign university.

International online mobility is a great opportunity to:

  • do part of your studies at a university abroad without travelling,
  • cooperate with students from other countries online,
  • choose the classes in line with your interests,
  • obtain ECTS credits which can be recognised during the course of study.

More information about the alliance: