The team consists of: prof. Małgorzata Kossowska (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Chairperson of the team), Rafał Duczmal (University of Warsaw), prof. Krzysztof Kurowski (Polish Academy of Sciences), dr hab. Paweł Lubomski (Gdańsk University of Technology), Marek Michajłowicz (vice head of National Information Processing Institute), prof. Łukasz Stettner (Polish Academy of Sciences), dr Dominik Strapagiel (prof. of the University of Lodz), Jakub Szprot (University of Warsaw) and dr Andrzej Zemła (Polish Academy of Sciences).
The team will assist in the development of an open access policy to publicly funded research data. It will also support the Ministry's activities as part of the initiative of the European Commission - European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). One of the main goals is to implement the EOSC virtual environment in Poland.
Prof. Dominik Strapagiel, along with other specialists, will also assist in updating recommendations for the entities of higher education and science system, and entities that finance scientific research and development work from public funds.
Ordinance of the Ministry of Education and Science of 20 April 2021 (click)
Related materials:
Source: Ministry of Education and Science
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL