Rektor UŁ na konferencji European University Association w Dundee

Rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. Dr hab. Elżbieta Żądzińska participated (as the only representative of Polish universities) in the EUA Research & Innovation Strategy Group conference. University of Dundee (Scotland) was the host of the meeting.

EUA Conference in DundeeRepresentatives of authorities of European universities, members of the EUA Research and Innovation Strategy Group at the conference in Dundee. 

According to the University of Lodz Rector, the discussion on the use of European Universities alliances to increase the innovativeness of universities, including: through the optimal use of research potential and research infrastructure, was particularly important during the conference.

The EUA R&I Agenda 2027 underlines that the value of such infrastructure results from its active use (including the use by students involved in research), which is often insufficient compared to its capabilities. This is due to faulty national legislation, poor knowledge of research infrastructure management, underinvestment and lack of knowledge about its existence. The France Universités and the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (KRASP) expressed interest in coordinating activities within this area.

Open access to research data, with particular emphasis on the huge differences in the understanding of research data depending on the field of science (e.g. medical sciences, humanities) was the second important topic discussed in Dundee.

The conference also included presentations by the European Commission and the UK Universities on the security of the European research and innovation system and the specific needs of universities concerning managing risk while maintaining institutional autonomy. The discussion highlighted common problems and responsibilities of universities in terms of security control of research and development activities and partnerships, sharing information and responsibilities in this area between universities and governments. The necessary cultural and mental changes that will make universities and scientists pay more attention to security issues are also significant.

The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 850 universities from 49 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. It represents universities in major discussions and recommends the most beneficial solutions for the development of education.

The EUA Research & Innovation Strategy Group, of which the Rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, has been a member since last year, provides a forum for exchanging opinions on topics related to scientific research and innovation in a global context. Participants in its work have an actual impact on the process of educating students and conducting research as part of the Bologna Process. 

Source and photos: EUA 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz