Studenckie Granty Badawcze 2024 – rozpoczynamy kolejną edycję

The first training courses preparing for the participation in the Student Research Grants competition start in September. We have introduced several changes in this year's edition. The amount of the grant has been increased, the competition schedule has been shortened and the rules of settling invoices have been changed.

An increased scholarship

In the previous editions of the competition, the maximum amount of a one-time grant was PLN 3,500. In this year's edition, the Competition Committee has decided to increase it to PLN 4,000. This is a response to  higher costs of purchasing reagents and other materials necessary to implement projects.


A shortened schedule

The Competition Committee has decided to significantly shorten the schedule of this year's edition. Thanks to this, grant holders will have more time to implement their projects. This year's schedule is as follows:


  • Training courses – 26 September –31 October 
  • Submitting applications – 2 October –31 October 
  • Formal evaluation – 1 November –12 November
  • Review – 13 November – 13 December 
  • Evaluation of applications – 14 December – 8 January
  • Meeting of the Competition Committee – 9 January – 16 January 
  • Payment of grants – January/February 


New rules of settling invoices

In most cases, invoices for the purchase of materials will be settled similarly to the way it was done in the previous editions. Financial documents should be issued to the project manager, i.e. the student conducting research. The difference applies to invoices for the purchase of reagents, which must be issued to the faculty or department. In such a case, students will have to deliver them to the faculty where they carry out their projects. More information on settling invoices can be found in the guide (in Polish) prepared for the competition participants.