The 15th edition of Japanese Days was inaugurated jointly by: the Ambassador Akio Miyajima, Vice-Rector of the University of Lodz for External Relations – dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska (prof. UL), Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology – dr hab. Rałał Matera (prof. UL), Sławomir Karasiński, Eri Iwamoto-Bukowian from the Fortak&Karasiński Legal Advisors company cooperating with Japan, Managing Director of GDC Poland Fujitsu Technology Solutions sp. z o.o. – Aleksandra Durzyńska-Prochowska and President of the Yakumo-goto Club Association – prof. Jolanta Młodawska-Bronowska (long-time organiser of the Japanese Days).
At the opening of the Japanese Days, Ambassador Akio Miyajima said:
Japan stands together with Ukraine. I am deeply moved by the scale of help that Poles provide to people fleeing from the East. I would like us to continue to strengthen our friendship and thank you for organising this wonderful event.
The rich programme of the 15th edition of Japanese Days included, among others, a fight show of the Arakimunisai Jikiden Ogawaryu Hyoho school from Warsaw, bonsai workshops and lectures „Klasyka i awangarda we współczesnej kaligrafii japońskiej” [Classics and avant-garde in contemporary Japanese calligraphy] and „Medycyna w Japonii: wczoraj i dziś” [Medicine in Japan: yesterday and today]. At the weekend of 23-24 April, at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology several thematic exhibitions could also be seen, e.g.,: „Ogrody zen. Ogrody Drogi Herbaty” [Zen gardens. Gardens of the Way of Tea].
Source: Klub Yakumo-goto, prof. Jolanta Młodawska-Bronowska
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz