Brązowy medal Mistrzostw Polski dla studentki UŁ

Agnieszka Bednarek, a student from the University of Lodz, training under the supervision of Aneta Sadach, took third place in the triple jump during the 99th Polish Athletics Championships, which started this week. This is the fourth consecutive time she has stood on the Polish Championship podium in this competition.

Agnieszka Bednarek with the bronze medal of the Polish Championships in the triple jump

Agnieszka is a Physical and Health Education student at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz and a contender of the Lodz Academic Sport Association (AZS Łódź). Athletics is her greatest passion – she has been training triple jump since the age of 18. Winning the Polish Junior Championships and the 5th place at the European Junior Championships are her greatest achievements so far. For Agnieszka, sport is a passion and hard work, but also the satisfaction that comes when dedication and commitment bear fruit.

Agnieszka is a beneficiary of the Studies and Sport programme at the University of Lodz, thanks to which she can rely on financial support and additional assistance, e.g. individual course of study. As she emphasises, the programme gives the opportunity to develop a sports career and combine academic life with other commitments such as training, competitions and sports camps.

"Studies and Sport at the University of Lodz"

University of Lodz has introduced a dual career programme for the athletes who study at our university. It provides young contenders from #UniLodz with greater flexibility in planning classes, which allows them to develop their sports career without compromising the didactic process.

The programme is available to students regardless of the level and form of studies whose high sports level has been confirmed by a relevant institution. The athletes are included in the programme throughout the entire period of education but can voluntarily withdraw from it at any time.

Source: AZS Łódź 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Instagram  account of AZS Łódź