International community of the University of Lodz is of particular importance for the university. Since 2016, with international students and lecturers at the UL in mind, University Diversity project has been realized. As its part exhibitions presenting profiles of international individuals associated with the University, integrating culinary workshops and the original initiative "Christmas Guest" are organized. As part of the last one employees of the University of Lodz invite for one day of Christmas holidays international students who spend Christmas away from their families, at a dormitory. In turn, during the pandemic, when similar meetings are not impossible, the University provides meals to the international students of UniLodz, trying to make the time of Easter and Christmas more pleasant to them.
Whereas, the International Hub (iHub) takes care of assimilation of international lecturers.
- In February a special unit - iHub was established at the University of Lodz. Its task is to support the process of internationalisation of employees. At the moment our University is expecting 45 researchers, who are going to visit us as part of the "The Excellence Initiative - Research University" project. We are planning to create friendly conditions for them, which will allow for integration with Lodz - explains dr Magdalena Nowacka, Head of International Hub.
Comfort of international students and lecturers is also ensured by the City of Lodz Office, which at the end of March announced recruitment for the "Academic Lodz friendly to new city residents" competition. Under the competition, non-governmental organisations can apply for grants to finance activities aimed at integrating people from other countries. The initiative is of course supported by the International Hub, which specialises in the internationalisation process.
The competition assumes providing support to projects in two areas. The first one includes initiatives, which allow for better adaptation of international students in higher education institutions in Lodz, bring their culture closer and facilitate acquisition of knowledge. The second one focuses on the activities of the scientific community, based on knowledge deepened at individual university departments. They include, among others, legal advice, language classes for children and adults or art workshops - all addressed at international individuals.
- University of Lodz welcomed the initiative of the City of Lodz Office, which will facilitate integration of international individuals. This concept is consistent with the strategic goals of our University, because our list of priorities includes, inter alia, internationalisation of research and education. Moreover, our surveys show that as many as 2/3 of international alumni who studied at UniLodz declare their willingness to stay permanently in Poland. It is a huge group of potential beneficiaries of the competition - says Dr. Magdalena Nowacka, Head of International Hub.
The long-term goal of the competition of the City of Lodz Office is to provide international individuals with comfortable conditions, thanks to which Lodz will become a city for them, in which it is worth living permanently. iHub will closely cooperate within this process.
The total budget allocated to subsidies under the "Academic Lodz friendly to new city residents"" competition is PLN 88 thousand.
More information: UMŁ
International Hub - Contact details: