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Aleksandra Łysek during a week is the fifth-year management student (human resource management specialisation) at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz. At the weekends, she goes under water as a diving guide, diving partner and assistant instructor. She has been working at the Nurkersi Diving Centre and the Szpejownia store for five years. On a daily basis, she provides advice to both new and experienced divers on the purchase of diving equipment. She is also an authorised service technician and advisor for Tecline equipment.

Ola, your life is really intense. How do you find the time for everything? Is diving a passion or perhaps a way of life?  

Well, to be honest it is both. I fell in love with diving from the very first dive and I knew immediately that it would be an important part of my life. I was in a such a wonderful situation that I could combine business with pleasure - my passion has become my job. It has been like that for five years now and I hope it’s going to continue. In the future, I would like to become a diving instructor and still combine my passion with my way of life.

How did your interest in diving started?

When I was 9, my parents and I went to Egypt. In Egypt one can come across a multitude of diving centres. Together with my dad, we decided to try the underwater adventure. Unfortunately, the first dive was a great failure. Luckily, the Pole we met on site had professional diver qualifications and took me under his wing. It was thanks to him that I have seen the beauty of the underwater world for the first time, which has absolutely captivated me. I did not regret anything. I overcame my fear and the barrier in my head. Thanks to the fact that I did not give up I am where I am.

What predispositions are needed to be able to dive freely?

You have to be willing and you have to be able to swim. In addition, you must not be afraid of water, but you should respect it because it is one of the elements. I have noticed that it is much easier for people who are composed, calm and level-headed. The worst that can happen to us under water is fear and panic.

You go under water, you see a completely different world, just like in Avatar. What kind of feeling is it? Do you have any favourite diving spot? Will you tell us an interesting story that happened to you while diving? Or maybe you have had a moment of terror? How should one react then? 

I go under water, I can see this huge space around me and there is silence. This is the most wonderful thing. Suddenly it turns out that in the beautiful underwater aura you can hear your own heartbeat, you can hear your breath. It turns out that suddenly you can hear the voice of your own body and nothing apart from it. Views in Polish waters are not as breathtaking as the ones in Egypt, but they are "beautiful in a different way". For me it is wonderful to be able to go under water in every possible place in Poland.

My favourite place is Honoratka Diving Base. Wonderful people create it, there is family atmosphere there. There is a lot of underwater attractions and you never get bored.

One of my favourite stories is when my diving partner spotted a turtle during a night dive in Egypt (let me add that I love turtles and I consider them the most beautiful animals). Never in my life have I swam so fast to see a turtle up close. Until today, still everyone cannot believe that you can swim against the tide at such a speed. But I succeeded! I saw it.

I have also had a few moments of horror in my diving career, but there is nothing to talk about ... In such situations, what matters is composure, self-control, cool thinking and acting.

Do you plan to link your professional life with diving?

Absolutely! This is what I would like to do in my life. I love working with people, being under water, news related to diving and equipment. I am in my element here. Being a diver is awesome! 

Photos from the private archive of Aleksandra Łysek.

Source: Mateusz Sobociński