UniLodz w dziesiątce liderów NCN!

University of Lodz is in the top ten Polish higher education institutions in terms of grants obtained from the National Science Centre*! In the statistics published for 2019 UniLodz takes the 7th place. However, compared to the institutions higher up on the list such as: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Gdansk and AGH University of Science and Technology, UL is only few projects behind. We will continue our hard work and fight to enter the top five!


According to the data of NCN in 2019 the University of Lodz obtained 54 grants totalling for PLN 22.5 million. 21% of all our applications were accepted. For a comparison, the University of Warsaw, which was the leader in the competition, was 34% effective.

- It's a result of hard work of many of our researchers. The University of Lodz is consistently focused on scientific development. We are continuously increasing the number of research projects and developing international cooperation. Such intense work has been going on for several years, so I have high hopes that the results for 2020 will be even better - says Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, Rector of the University of Lodz.

Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection is leading in terms of the number of projects obtained in 2019. Among them extremely interesting, international research by the team of Prof. Maria Bryszewska "New polymer nanoparticles for the transfer of nucleic acids in the treatment of lung diseases - synthesis, toxicological analysis and biological-therapeutic assessment" or the project of Prof. Magdalena Błażewicz "Biodiversity and distribution patterns of crustaceans from the South-Eastern Australia Peracarida group".

Also other faculties can boast about quite a number of projects: Faculty of Philology (11), Faculty of Geographical Sciences (8) and Faculty of Economics and Sociology (6). Among them, there were such diversified subjects as: "FUNGRESSION: Humour and impoliteness on social media" by Prof. Marta Dynel, "Experiencing stigma by sex workers" by Izabela Ślęzak-Niedbalska, PhD or "Accelerating Arctic warming, whether and how does it affect extreme weather events in Poland and Central Europe? " by Prof. Joanna Wibig.

Our researchers are also becoming science celebrities! The latest calendar of NCN features, among others, Monika Kujawska, PhD from the the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, UL, who conducts extremely interesting research on the use of plants from the Amazon rainforest.

*National Science Centre (NCN) is a government agency, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Its main objective is to support basic research in Poland. Basic research is defined as empirical or theoretical endeavours undertaken to gain new knowledge of the foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any direct commercial use. NCN funds projects in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering.

University of Lodz is one of the biggest universities in Poland. Its mission is to educate top-class scientists and specialists in numerous fields of humanities, social sciences, natural and exact sciences as well as health sciences. UniLodz cooperates with business, both at the staff level by providing qualified employees as well as at the scientific level, by offering its know-how to enterprises from various areas of economy. University of Lodz is an academic institution open to the world - the number of its international students is constantly growing, while its Polish students, thanks to Exchange programmes, get to know Europe, Asia and travel overseas. The University is a part of Lodz, it operates for and with the community of Lodz by getting involved in many socio-cultural projects.

Source: NCN - National Science Centre

Edit: Research Centre, UL