Naukowcy UŁ wyróżnieni przez Polski Komitet Olimpijski

Dr hab. Jolanta E. Kowalska, UL Professor from the Faculty of Educational Sciences and dr hab. Michał Kobierecki, UL Professor from the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz have been honoured by the Polish Olympic Committee for their publications in the field of Olympic education and Olympism.

Dr hab. Michał Kobierecki is collecting the award
Dr hab. Jolanta Kowalska

Dr hab. Michał Kobierecki received an award for his monograph entitled "Dyplomacja sportowa. Sport w działaniach dyplomatycznych państw i aktorów niepaństwowych" [Sport Diplomacy. Sport in the diplomatic activities of states and non-state actors] in the best postgraduate thesis category. Dr hab. Jolanta Kowalska was awarded a distinction for her monograph entitled "Znaczenie edukacyjne projektu Jestem Fair opartego na idei neoolimpizmu" [Educational significance of the I am Fair project based on the idea of neo-olympism]. Both postgraduate theses were published by the Lodz University Press.

This year, the Polish Olympic Academy has also decided to confer the main prize – the Olympic Logos medal, for the best book entitled "Olimpizm Polski" [Polish Olympism]. One of the chapters entitled "100 lat fair play w Polsce. Tradycje-dokonania-perspektywa" [100 years of fair play in Poland. Traditions-decisions-perspective] is co-authored by Dr Jolanta E. Kowalska.

Polska Akademia Olimpijska Polskiego Komitetu Olimpijskiego przyznała nagrody i wyróżnienia w konkursie na najlepsze książki, prace magisterskie, rozprawy doktorskie oraz prace habilitacyjne z zakresu edukacji olimpijskiej i olimpizmu już po raz dziewiąty. Uroczystość wręczenia nagród odbyła się w Centrum Olimpijskim PKOl 21 listopada br. 

The Polish Olympic Academy, Polish Olympic Committee has conferred awards and distinctions in the competition for the best books, master's theses, doctoral dissertations and postgraduate theses in the field of Olympic education and Olympism for the ninth time. The award ceremony took place at the Olympic Centre of the Polish Olympic Committee on 21 November this year.

Source: Jolanta Kowalska, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz
Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz