Mobilność wirtualna w ramach UNIC Opened Courses - ruszyły zapisy na semestr zimowy

Virtual mobility provides the possibility of remote participation in the classes offered by all partner universities of the UNIC alliance. We encourage you to get familiar with the offered courses that all students of the University of Lodz can participate in.

International virtual mobility is a great opportunity to:

  • do a part of your studies at a foreign university without travelling,
  • cooperate with students from other countries online,
  • choose a course in line with one’s interests,
  • obtain ECTS credits which can be recognised during the course of study.

How to take part in the UNIC Opened Courses?

  • visit the website;
  • from the "Semester" tab (in the left navigation) select "autumn/winter semester 2023/24";
  • familiarise yourself with the courses offer; 
  • check the details of selected courses such as participation conditions, course requirements and registration deadline; 
  • select the course that you would like to take part in; 
  • register with the partner university; 
  • agree on the possibility of completing the course during your studies with the ECTS coordinator at your faculty and prepare the Learning Agreement for Virtual Studies
  • obtain the dean's consent to participate in the course. 

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: 

More information about the alliance: