University of Lodz Library is in other words our popular BUŁ-a! In its collections there are books, journals, cartographic, iconographic, handwritten collections, old prints, documents of social life, cimelia, musical items, electronic other words: a lot of materials that you can use to get ready for the classes or examination sessions. And if we are already talking about examination session – they say that peace and quiet that prevail in the reading rooms are conducive to learning, which is why BUŁ-a is open longer, until midnight.



Even though the University of Lodz Library has been operating since 1945, its current building was built in 1960. Our scientists claim that its architecture is unique! Throughout years the library has gone through a number of renovations, thanks to which its users can take advantage of rooms for individual and group work, a study room for a parent with a child, a room with facilities for the disabled and many others. Fortunately, it has never lost its unique character!

Do you want to use collections of BUŁ-a? A piece of cake. You just need to click the link to the main catalogue, e-resources, UL repository or digital library