Welcome! To join the University of Lodz please contact your mobility office/international office at home university to nominate you for the program. For questions please contact

Deadlines for nominations and registration are available here: mobility-nomination-and-registration

Please verify the offer of courses for current academic year here: mobility-study-programmes-and-courses

All nominated students will receive a link for registration in an online system and before the semester starts – a welcome message with information about the organization of the semester and details about how to get to Lodz will be sent as well.

Within bilateral agreements exchange programme students of a partner institutions of the University of Lodz from anywhere in the world, are enabled to study at our university for one semester or one academic year as exchange students with no tuition fee.

Students of universities, where there is no cooperation or those students, who are not able to use mobility programs, can join UL as Free Mover students.

All mobility students are obliged to have a valid medical insurance for the whole period of stay and a document confirming legal stay in Poland (excluding EU citizens). You can read more about medical insurance and visa requirements here: prepare-for-arrival.


After arrival at the University of Lodz you will receive by e-mail detail information about where and to whom you should turn. You will be requested to arrange your arrival confirmation and visit your main Faculty for schedule and student ID card information. For two weeks you will have the chance to do necessary changes in your Learning Agreement. The instruction will be sent separately. By the end of the semester we will inform all students about the procedure of finalising the stay at UL. During the semester all information will be sent to your UL e-mail address, which you are obliged to activate after your arrival.


ToR: the Transcript of Records will be sent by post to the International Relations Office of your University (you will receive a scan before it’s sent). If you wish to have your After Mobility part of the Learning Agreement signed, please contact your Faculty Coordinator.

ECTS system:
Description of the local grading scale:
5 bdb (very good); 4+ db+ (better than good); 4 db (good); 3+ dst+ (better than satisfactory); 3 dst (satisfactory); 2 ndst (unsatisfactory)
ECTS grade:
A EXCELLENT – outstanding performance = bdb
B VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors = db+
C GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors = db
D SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings = dst+
E SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria = dst
F; FAIL – some more work required before the credit can be awarded; considerable further work required = ndst


If you have made online application correctly, do not worry – your document will be prepared soon and sent to you as a scan.

No. You can choose any courses that you find interesting or valuable, on condition that 70% of the ECTS are at the Faculty that has an agreement with your University.

If you wish to stay in a dormitory, do not hesitate to tick an appropriate box in our online system. But bear in mind we have a limited number of places in our dorms. If you need to feel safe about your dormitory room, finish the application correctly early enough before the deadline. The accommodation is provided only in double or triple rooms. The only exceptions are made for students who present medical certificate which confirms necessity of being in a single room.

If you have been guaranteed a place, do not worry, your place is kept. As soon as we have the information on your dorm number, we will send it to you. Please be patient with the procedures of the University bodies that assign students to particular dorms – especially during late vacation period, these may require extra time.

Welcome! Before the semester starts you will receive a detail information what needs to be done and sent via e-mail to register your arrival. We will inform you where and when you should go and who is responsible for what at IRO and at your assigned Faculty.

To change the dormitory you must fill an application. However, you can apply for a dorm change from the 3rd week of the semester (not earlier).

The information will be sent to your e-mail together with the details about your Faculty and person responsible for your administrative issues in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty.

A Faculty is a school (division, department) of the University of Lodz: as a large-scale institution, we are divided into Faculties for different subjects. A Mobility/Faculty Coordinator, also called Erasmus+ faculty coordinator, is a teacher of a particular Faculty who coordinates exchange courses at that Faculty: you will need their signature on your mobility-related documents, and you will need their approval if you change course(s) during your stay. A Dean’s Office is an administrative office of a particular faculty that handles students’ internal documents such as student ID or Transcript of Records.

Some schedules will be published in our pages. But not all of them, so you may have to ask at the Dean’s office of your Faculty, and/or your coordinator. You can also ask your mentor, he/she may help you.

You have 2 weeks after the classes start to make changes in your LA. When you decide which changes are you going to make (with Faculty Coordinator’s help), be sure to print the document from the online system and get it signed by your Faculty Coordinator. Make sure to send a copy to your university as well.

You’ll get information how to pay 22 PLN for ID card by e-mail. After payment, you have to go with the receipt to the appropriate Dean’s Office. Your Dean’s Office will tell you the date of picking up from them your student’s card.

It is a final official record of your achievement. The Transcript of the Records will be made and sent to our office. As soon as possible, we will send the scanned version to you and the hard copy to your university.

First of all, we hope your time Poland has been pleasant, comfortable and fruitful :) Do not forget to arrange the departure certificate. You can send your departure ticket together with the document that we should sign to our e-mail address or visit our office according to the information sent about when it is possible to get the certificate and what is necessary for that. Please note, that we do not confirm any dates ahead.


Faculty inaugurations, examination sessions, breaks between the semesters and the Rector’s days – check important dates that are worth remembering by the #UniLodz community.



  1. The official inauguration of the academic year takes place on 2 October 2023.
  2. Inauguration of the academic year at the Faculties should take place until 2 October 2023.
  3. Didactic classes start on 3 October 2023 and last until 28 January 2024.
  4. Days off from the didactic classes are, as follows:
    • 31 October 2023 – the Rector’s day,
    • 2 November 2023 – the Rector’s day,
    • from 22 December 2023 until 7 January 2024 – winter holiday break,
    • from 12 to 18 February 2024 – break between the semesters.
  5. Examination sessions in the winter semester take place on the following dates:
    • from 29 January to 11 February 2024 – winter examination session,
    • from 19 to 25 February 2024 – winter make-up examination session.

The Faculty Deans may decide to start the summer semester up to one week earlier. This change cannot affect settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD).

  1. Didactic classes start on 26 February and last until 16 June 2024.
  2. Days off from the classes are, as follows:
    • from 27 March to 2 April 2024 – Easter holiday break,
    • 2 May 2024 – the Rector’s day,
    • one May Friday – might be declared the Rector’s day due to Juwenalia (students' festival),
    • 24 May 2022 – the Rector’s day due to the Celebration Day of the University of Lodz,
    • 31 May 2023 – the Rector’s day.
  3. Examination sessions in the summer semester take place on the following dates:
    • from 17 June to 7 July 2024 – summer examination session,
    • from 8 July until 30 September 2024 – break for summer holidays, scientific camps, internships, etc.,
    • dates of final assessments and examinations during autumn examination session taking place in September are determined by the Dean.

The Dean may prolong classes as part of part-time (weekend) studies until 23 June 2024 and decide on exemption from classes on days preceding or following other days off. This change cannot affect the settlement of settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD).


  1. The official inauguration of the academic year takes place on 3 October 2022.
  2. Inauguration of the academic year at the Faculties should take place until 3 October 2022.
  3. Didactic classes start on 4 October 2022 and last until 22 January 2023.
  4. Days off from the didactic classes are, as follows:
    a. 31 October 2022 – the Rector’s day
    b. 2 November 2022 – the Rector’s day 
    c. from 23 December 2022 until 1 January 2023 – winter holiday break
    d. from 6 to 12 February 2023 – break between the semesters
  5. Examination sessions in the winter semester take place on the following dates:
    a. from 23 January until 5 February 2023  – winter examination session
    b. from 13 until 19 February 2023 – winter make-up examination session

The Faculty Deans may decide to start the summer semester up to one week earlier. This change cannot affect settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD). 

  1. Didactic classes start on 20 February and last until 11 June 2023.
  2. Days off from the classes are, as follows:
    a. from 5 until 11 April 2023 – Easter holiday break
    b. 2 May 2023 – the Rector’s day
    c. 24 May 2022 – the Rector’s day due to the Celebration Day of the University of Lodz
    d. 27 May 2023 – the Rector’s day
    e. 28 May 2023 – day off
    f. one May Friday – might be declared the Rector’s day due to Juwenalia
    g. 9 June 2023 – day off
  3. Examination sessions in the summer semester take place on the following dates:
    a. from 12 June until 2 July 2023 – summer examination session
    b. from 3 July until 30 September 2023 – break for summer holidays, scientific camps, internships, etc.
    c. dates of final assessments and examinations during autumn examination session taking place in September are determined by the Dean

The Dean may prolong classes as part of part-time (weekend) studies until 18 June 2023 and decide on exemption from classes on days preceding or following other days off. This change cannot affect the settlement of settlement of absences in the Individual Teaching Load Card (KIOD).