A university close to the society
University of Lodz willingly uses its research potential and engages in the development of the region of Lodz. This way it fulfils its mission, which is about sharing the research results of our employees and students with companies, institutions and the entire society. The horizon of all activities realized at the University of Lodz expands far beyond the walls of the University by active activities of our community for the sake of the region.
– Award of the Marshal of the Lodz Voivodeship under the Competition for the best dissertations and works thematically related to the Voivodeship of Lodz is an important scientific distinction. Firstly, the context of Lodz is underlined. The awarded works mostly either directly concern problems of our voivodeship or are a solution to problems that we locally face. They show that science is close to the society, that it helps communities overcome difficulties and sustains their identity. Secondly, receiving such an award is a confirmation of the scientific values of the work. The awarded dissertations are subject to scientific rigour and are evidence of good scientific skills of researchers. I would like to congratulate the winners of the competition and wish them further success in conducting scientific research - emphasizes dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska, prof. UŁ, Vice-Rector for external relations.
The list of winners
Below you can find the list of winners from our University. Our congratulations!
1. Magdalena Kowalewicz-Kulbat: Synapsa immunologiczna ludzkiej komórki dendrytycznej z limfocytem T formowana w odpowiedzi na prątki Mycobacterium bovis BCG [Immune synapse of a human dendritic cell with a T lymphocyte formed in response to Mycobacterium bovis BCG] (a habilitation thesis/ series of publications).
2. Łukasz Lechowski: Wpływ budowy autostrady A1 i A2 na zmiany zagospodarowania terenu w gminach powiatu zgierskiego w światle metod GIS [The influence of construction of A1 and A2 motorways on changes in land development in the communes of the Zgierz district in the light of GIS methods] (a doctoral dissertation).
3. Rafał Pakuła: Udział Biura Projektowania i Realizacji Inwestycji „Miastoprojekt – Łódź” w kształtowaniu architektonicznego krajobrazu Łodzi na tle uwarunkowań polityczno-gospodarczych w latach 1949–1989 [The role of the "Miastoprojekt - Łódź" Design and Implementation Office in shaping architectural landscape of Lodz against the background of political and economic conditions over the years 1949–1989] (a doctoral dissertation)
4. Monika Jarosiewicz: Wpływ związków bromofenolowych ograniczających palność materiałów organicznych na erytrocyty człowieka [The influence of bromophenol compounds that limit organic materials flammability on human erythrocytes] (a doctoral dissertation)
5. Emilia Brodziak: Łódź w walce o niepodległość 1914–1918 [Lodz in the fight for independence 1914–1918] (a diploma thesis – master thesis)
University of Lodz is one of the biggest universities in Poland. Its mission is to educate top-class scientists and specialists in numerous fields of humanities, social sciences, natural and exact sciences as well as health sciences. UniLodz cooperates with business, both at the staff level by providing qualified employees as well as at the scientific level, by offering its know-how to enterprises from various areas of economy. University of Lodz is an academic institution open to the world – the number of its international students is constantly growing, while its Polish students, thanks to Exchange programmes, get to know Europe, Asia and travel overseas. The University is a part of Lodz, it operates for and with the community of Lodz by getting involved in many socio-cultural projects.
Source: Public Information Bulletin of the Marshal Office of the Lodz Voivodeship
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL