Under the guidance of your potential supervisor, prepare a concept for your doctoral dissertation, which is one of the required documents in the recruitment process.

Supervisor is not required at this stage of enrolment (rather optional). Candidate might apply without knowing the potential supervisor.


If the candidate has obtained from the supervisor (an academic employee of the University of Lodz) a consent to take him/her under supervision, he/she submits a statement of the potential supervisor on his/her willingness to take on the supervision (sample available at step 4).


If the candidate has not obtained such a consent, he/she submits an application for appointing a selected person who has the right to act as a supervisor as a supervisor of his/her doctoral dissertation (template available at step 4).


Information about competitions for doctoral students within NCN grants (together with the research topics) is available at


Files to download

Enrollment/Registration - Electronic registration for studies is possible between 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023


Remember to print out the application form from the Electronic Recruitment System (IRK)!


Go to the Electronic Recruitment System (IRK)



Files to download

During the interview, the following are assessed in particular:

  • Presentation of the dissertation concept, including:

- demonstration the originality of the scientific problem presented in the conception,

- presentation of the research contribution to the development of the chosen discipline or lead discipline and the additional or practical utility of the solutions (in the case of an Industrial PhD programme),

-clarity of concept presentation,

- ability to justify the chosen methodology.

  • Knowledge of research methods used in scientific work in the discipline.
  • Knowledge of the literature on the issues to be addressed in the research undertaken by the candidate.
  • Knowledge of specialist terminology, ability to compose a speech, communicativeness, interaction during discussion.

Presentation of the concept in the form of a multimedia presentation is not acceptable.

Deadline: 12.07.2023 - 17.07.2023 depending on the number of candidates.


The candidate will be informed of the interview date via email.

Information on acceptance to the studies is visible in the Electronic Registration System (IRK) on the candidate's account. The Recruitment Committee's decision on non-acceptance is sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

Admission lists for both regular and external-funding recruitment

Files to download